Peloton Bike Resistance Not Working? – [How To Fix?]

Is your Peloton bike’s resistance not working as it should? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! With our helpful tips and tricks, you can get your Peloton back to working order in no time. So what are you waiting for? Let’s fix that pesky resistance problem together!

Is Peloton Bike Resistance Not Working?

Yes, it is possible for the resistance on a Peloton bike to not work properly. If you are experiencing this issue, there may be several causes such as an obstruction in the wheel or an issue with the internal mechanics of the bike. To troubleshoot and address any issues, please consult the Peloton Support page for further guidance.

How Do You Fix The Resistance On A Peloton Bike?

To fix the resistance on a Peloton bike, check the wheel for any obstructions or tight spots. If this does not resolve the issue, there could be an internal problem with your bike mechanics. You can consult your user manual or contact the Peloton Support team for further guidance. Additionally, updating your software and clearing any dust from the sensors may help resolve any issues you are having.

How Do I Know If My Peloton Needs Calibration?

The Peloton bike does not require a regular calibration. If your bike is not functioning properly, you can check the following:

  • Make sure the wheel is free of any obstructions or tight spots.
  • Clean any dust from the sensors.
  • Update your software.
  • Check the internal mechanics of the bike (replacing worn parts or tightening bolts if needed).

If none of these steps resolves the issue, contact Peloton Support for assistance with calibration or troubleshooting.

How Do You Check Resistance On Peloton?

Checking resistance on a Peloton bike is simple. Begin by pedaling the bike at a consistent speed and then increase your effort to increase the resistance. On the display console, you can view your real-time metrics such as Watts, Resistance, and Cadence. You can also adjust resistance using the buttons located on the side of your handlebars or using voice commands if you have an enabled device.

How Do I Fix My Bike Resistance?

If your Peloton resistance isn’t working properly, there are a few steps you can take to try and fix it.

  • Make sure the wheel is free of any obstructions or tight spots.
  • Try cycling with a lower or higher resistance setting to see if that works better.
  • Clean any dust from the sensors.
  • Update your software.
  • Check the internal mechanics of the bike (replacing worn parts or tightening bolts if needed).
  • If none of these steps resolves the issue, contact Peloton Support for assistance with calibration or troubleshooting.

Can A Peloton Resistance Be Recalibrated?

Yes, you can recalibrate the resistance of your Peloton bike. Most models come with an internal calibration feature that will help maintain consistent resistance levels. However, if the recalibration does not work properly or is not available for your model, you can contact Peloton Support to explore other options.

How Do You Manually Calibrate Peloton?

To manually calibrate your Peloton bike, you’ll need to locate the resistance setting knob inside the wheel and turn it clockwise until you hear a clicking sound. Make sure to go slowly, as too much pressure can damage the calibration. Once you have reached a desired level of resistance, use a calibrated torque wrench to check that the torque is correct. If not, make slight adjustments until it is within specifications. Finally, double-check with an independent power meter to make sure that everything is dialed in correctly.

How Does Peloton Automatically Adjust Resistance?

Peloton bikes are equipped with an automatic calibration system that automatically adjusts the resistance of your bike based on factors such as speed and terrain. This helps to ensure a consistent and enjoyable ride, as well as maintain optimum performance of your bike. The system also collects data to help you analyze your riding performance over time.

How Do You Calibrate A Peloton Resistance Knob?

To calibrate the resistance knob on your Peloton, locate the knob inside the wheel and turn it clockwise until you hear a clicking sound. Make sure to go slowly, as too much pressure can damage the calibration. Once you have reached a desired level of resistance, use a calibrated torque wrench to check that the torque is correct. If not, make slight adjustments until it is within specifications. Finally, double-check with an independent power meter to make sure that everything is dialed in correctly.


Is Peloton Bike Magnetic Resistance?

Yes, the Peloton Bike uses a high-grade magnetic resistance system that allows you to customize your ride based on terrain, speed, and user preference. The magnetic resistance is quiet, reliable, and provides a smooth and comfortable ride.

Does Peloton Have A Reset Button?

Yes, the Peloton Bike includes a reset button that allows you to quickly and easily reset the console. The reset button is located on the back of the bike, near the base of the frame. You can press and hold this button for three seconds to restore factory settings and reboot your console.

Does Peloton Have Lifetime Warranty?

Yes, the Peloton Bike comes with a lifetime warranty from the manufacturer. This warranty covers all parts and labor for the duration of the bike’s life. It also includes regular maintenance and service coverage to ensure your bike continues to perform at its best.

How Do You Troubleshoot A Peloton?

Troubleshooting a Peloton Bike is relatively straightforward. First, check to make sure all connections are secure and that the bike is plugged in correctly. Additionally, reset the console by pressing and holding the reset button for three seconds. If these steps do not resolve the issue, you may need to contact Peloton customer support for further assistance.


Overall, peloton bikes are a great way to get an intense workout at home. However, if the resistance on your peloton bike isn’t working properly, it can be very frustrating. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot and fix the issue such as checking connections or resetting the console. Additionally, magnetic resistance bikes do require regular maintenance in order to ensure optimal performance over time.

We hope this article has been helpful for those looking into peloton bikes and understanding how they work! Have any of our readers had experience with pelotons? If so we would love to hear from you in the comments section below!


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